About Myangkasa Shoraka


MyAngkasa Shoraka Sdn Bhd is a joint venture company between Shoraka Group and ANGKASA via their 100% subsidiary MyAngkasa Holdings Sdn Bhd.

ANGKASA is an apex co-operative representing all levels of co-operatives in Malaysia. It is the representative body for the Malaysian Co-operative Movement at the national level in Malaysia. The primary objective of ANGKASA is to drive the co-operatives transformation process towards participation in high impact economic projects.

With Angkasa’s expertise and knowledge in the co-operative system and coupled with its wide networking in the co-operative sector together with Shoraka’s vast experience, extensive knowledge and networking in the financial industry, MyAngkasa Shoraka aims to provide comprehensive Islamic Financial and Technological Solutions to Cooperative Ecosystem.

MyAngkasa Shoraka’s objective is to play a significant role in servicing business and financing needs of the cooperatives to propel the cooperative movement to the next level, in line with the government target i.e. a significant percentage of gross domestic product contributed by cooperatives sector.

Angkatan Kerjasama Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad (ANGKASA)


In 1966, the First Cooperative Congress was held with the objective to establish a national cooperative union. The aim was to unite all the cooperatives in Malaysia under one federation for cooperatives. On 12 May 1971, ANGKASA was officially registered as the national union as a result from the Second Cooperative Congress. With the inception of ANGKASA as a union of cooperative herald the beginning of a journey of a united and formidable cooperative movement in Malaysia. Since its establishment, ANGKASA has played the role as the apex of cooperatives for the Malaysian co-operative movement. With the approval of the new Cooperative Societies Act in 1993, ANGKASA was formally recognized by the Government of Malaysia to represent the cooperative movement nationally and internationally.

Shoraka Group


Shoraka Group was originally established in Dubai, UAE, in July 2006, when a few Malaysian professionals with various backgrounds joined together to share their expertise in various aspects. Collectively, they have more than 100 years of experience ranging from investment management, financial advisory, investment banking, treasury, stock-broking, consultancy and engineering. More importantly, these years of experience were gained globally which brought about extensive global exposures and achievements. Shoraka Group expanded into various business ventures over the years especially those related to the financial and technological industry.
